Thursday, November 16, 2006

Coming Out the Door for the Ninth Ward: Stories by the Nine Times Social Aid and Pleasure Club

This week marks the release of the book "Coming Out the Door for the Ninth Ward: Stories by the Nine Times Social Aid and Pleasure Club." Written by club members in partnership with the Neighborhood Story Project, it includes personal essays, interviews and reflections on second line culture and the community around the former Desire housing project.

Book Release Party! November 17th, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., 1222 N. Dorgenois
8:30-9:30:Book Release
9:30-1:00: Dancing

Nine Times Social and Pleasure Club Pre-Thanksgiving Parade
November 19, 2006,12 noon
Starts: 3436 Louisa Street

For more information about the parade or Nine Times, please contact Corey Woods, business manager. 504. 616.5691

MP3 File