Saturday, June 24, 2006

Tulane Music Library Works Toward Restoration

When floodwaters inundated the basement of Tulane University's Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, the extensive collection of audio and video recordings - many rare or irreplaceable - were entirely lost. Music librarian Lenny Bertrand joins Alison on Street Talk to discuss the painstaking restoration process the collection's salvageable print materials are going through, their efforts to replace the lost audiovisual collection, and the challenges of teaching music without the collection.

The Future of Newcomb College

Interview by Alison Fensterstock

Since Tulane University unveiled its Renewal Plan in December, the fate of Newcomb College, the university's 120-year-old undergraduate women's college, has been a contentious and much-debated issue. The university's plan called for the dissolution of the college as a degree-granting institution and the restructuring of its programs under the umbrella of the Newcomb Institute, which will administer some, but not all, of the college's resources, including the 25-year-old Newcomb Center For Research on Women.

Current students and alumnae were denied an injunction in March that would have halted the dissolution of the college. Now, two descendents of Josephine Louise Newcomb, the woman who endowed the college in the late 19th century, are suing the university, claiming the plan effectively breaks Newcomb's will. Anna Nagrath, a representative from the organization The Future of Newcomb College, joined Alison on the air today to discuss her group's efforts. Read more about the issue at: